
New Underlay – Tredaire Defender 10 from the U.K.

Defender 10, made in th U.K.

Here comes a new stock range of underlay called Defender 10 which is a durable and thick heavy sponge rubber carpet underlay manufactured by Interfloor. Suitable for the stretch-fit installation of carpets and it owns a End Use Classification (BS 5808: 1991 / BS EN 14499 : 2015): HC/U, Heavy Contract Use.

Roll area: 10.00m² (1.37m x 7.30m); 11.96 sq.yd (4.49′ x 23.95′).

ALLOA Collections from EDEL Carpets

EDEL – ALLOA環保地毯系列

ALLOA All Over Again 重新再造

如果您關心我們的世界和下一代,那麼選擇最佳地板解決方案至關重要。選擇ALLOA地毯(ALL Over Again),您就支持實現無限材料鏈的可能性。成為未來的大使,參與了循環經濟的一部分。



If you care about our world and the next generation, your choice for the best flooring solution is essential. By choosing ALLOA Carpets (ALL Over Again), you support the possibility of an infinite chain of material. Be an ambassador of the future and become part of the circular economy.

ALLOA carpet is unique because it is designed to recycle. After use, it can be recycled into new carpet or other high-quality products. A true circular product.

We combine sophisticated design with improved environmental performance. ALLOA Carpets are designed to recycle, all over again.

Be an ambassador for our future 成為未來的大使






ALLOA Carpets are also recognized for their contemporary designs and constructions to provide maximum wear & durability.

This unique carpet collection consists of high-quality products in which the yarn and backing are made from 1 material.

In addition to being a sustainable/ green choice, it also offers the perfect solution to create that luxurious, eye-catching look, whether you are furnishing an office, hotel or beautiful home.

We combine sophisticated design with improved environmental performance.

ALLOA Carpets are designed to recycle, all over again.

ALLOA collections



Alloa collections

Fully recyclable by 2026: DUO carpets set the stage for OBJECT CARPET’s circular vision

DUO 地毯為OBJECT CARPET的循環再造的願景奠定了基礎, 並且徹底改變整個產品系列。

繼 NEOO實現OBJECT CARPET的循環再造的願景鋪平道路之後,憑藉廣泛的產品在這條道路上不斷前進,包括只採用兩種材料。

DUO 專為回收而設計, 憑藉NIAGA 的技術,象徵著OBJECT CARPET向2026年把全線產品轉化為完全循環再造再踏出了一步。

Press release                                                                   May 2024

Fully recyclable by 2026: DUO carpets set the stage for OBJECT CARPET’s circular vision

New key technology revolutionizes the entire product range.

Following the successful debut of OBJECT CARPET’s first DUO carpet as the red carpet at the Berlinale in February, the journey of this circular sensation continues. By 2026, the entire range of over 1,000 products will be gradually converted to the recyclable DUO technology. This means full design flexibility using only two basic materials: polyamide and polyester. A revolution in the carpet industry and a clear statement at a time in which the construction sector is increasingly calling for environmentally friendly solutions.

Photographs: Andreas Hoernisch

Traditional carpets consist of over 30 different materials on average, which means they pose an ecological challenge after their use – it is not possible to efficiently separate and fully recycle them back into their original components. However, it is essential to recycle these materials in the interest of avoiding waste and conserving resources. OBJECT CARPET has been addressing this problem for a long time and diligently searching for solutions. And has dared to ask: What would it be like to have a world in which all raw materials were reused? With materials whose value would last for many generations and that could be used again and again?

From MONO to DUO: OBJECT CARPET’s circular vision for sustainable carpet solutions

After more than ten years of development, OBJECT CARPET and NIAGA succeeded in creating the world’s first mono-material, 100% polyester carpet in 2022. This NEOO carpet paved the way for implementing the company’s circular vision.

Now OBJECT CARPET is forging ahead on this path. On the way to a circular, design-oriented product world, the DUO technology is the next essential piece of the puzzle.

“The question we asked ourselves during the design phase was: How can we fully convert all of the products in our range to a recycling economy utilizing minimal materials and without any fillers? How can we continue to offer our customers the popular designs and textures of our range but make them circular? We solved this by keeping the polyamide pile and combining it with 100% polyester adhesive and backing, analogously to our innovative NEOO mono carpet,” says Daniel Butz, owner and managing director of OBJECT CARPET.

After more than ten years of development work on the innovative coating, it was possible to update the popular styles MADRA, SILKY SEAL and SMOOZY with the DUO technology. A versatile new generation of carpets that not only features impressive designs but is also healthy for the human race and the natural world.

New benchmarks in the carpet industry with CLICK/UNCLICK technology

Thanks to the intelligent use of the material qualities, the DUO carpet product family now ushers in maximum design freedom with minimal use of resources: the innovative carpet consists solely of high-quality polyamide and polyester, bonded with an innovative HOTMELT adhesive made of 100% polyester. After use, precise heat application makes it possible to easily separate both components and feed them into the recycling loop. Thanks to the innovative CLICK/UNCLICK technology, the two components can be separated without residues. This lays the foundation for a circular product cycle: designed for an infinite service life, DUO is setting new benchmarks in the carpet industry.

Outstanding life cycle assessment in every respect

Starting with the production of the DUO carpets, every individual step is already designed for the optimum use of resources: the entire coating process is carried out without water or gas, which results in up to 95% energy savings compared to conventional production methods. This makes recycling up to five times more energy-efficient than the production of new polyester. A real technological quantum leap that takes the circular cycle to a new level.

A convenient return to the production cycle

Since the vision of a more sustainable future does not stop with the production process, OBJECT CARPET is working with suppliers to ensure that all DUO carpets will be fully integrated back into the original production cycle. To make sure of this, the website is printed on the backs of the carpets. This makes it possible to check where the carpet should be delivered at the end of its service life for a return into the recycling loop.

Back printing on MONO and DUO CARPETS. (OBJECT CARPET)

DUO under extreme conditions: red carpet glamour with a green commitment

However, a lot of time has to pass before a DUO carpet reaches the end of its service life, or it must be subjected to enormous foot traffic – because these carpets are extremely durable, just like the manufacturer’s other premium floor coverings. DUO has already proved its heavy-duty resilience and longevity under extreme conditions on a great stage: as the red carpet at the Berlinale, Germany’s largest film festival, it supported the grandiose appearance of 80,000 people in 11 days with temperature fluctuations of up to 25 degrees Celsius in February.

Sustainability in every fiber for a shared green future

Every single style that is converted to OBJECT CARPET’s circular technology makes the world a little more colorful while paving the way to a more sustainable future. Every step towards recyclability is a step away from waste towards responsible resource management. The popular styles MADRA, SILKY SEAL and SMOOZY with their 85 colors have already been converted. More products are in the pipeline.

“NEOO launched an era in which design and technology go hand in hand. This is now being continued with the DUO carpets – because high-quality rooms and a healthy planet are not mutually exclusive,” explains Daniel Butz. He believes that the industry is undergoing a shift: “OBJECT CARPET is not just part of the industry; we are driven by the vision of uniting everyone in the pursuit of a greener future. The strength lies in our collective commitment. For the environment and for future generations.”

DUO – first available products: SMOOZY, SILKY SEAL, MADRA (from left to right)


DUO MADRA, color 1135 Matcha

DUO MADRA, color 1131 golden rain


Since 1972, OBJECT CARPET has stood for quality, design and innovation in the commercial property sector. A sense of aesthetics and color, in combination with advanced production techniques, results in elegant and unusual designs in the form of rugs, carpet tiles and custom-cut carpets (RUGX). With over 1,000 styles and colors as well as individually-customized products, the OBJECT CARPET collection offers a unique diversity for modern interior design, manufactured from high-quality raw materials. All OBJECT CARPET styles are also free from harmful emissions and are bitumen-free, latex-free, and PVC-free. They bear the German Federal Environmental Agency’s Blue Angel ecolabel. OBJECT CARPET products are also recommended by the TÜV (German Technical Inspection Association) for allergy sufferers and are proven to reduce dust content and particulate matter. Partners and customers around the world, such as Porsche, Daimler, Google and Adidas appreciate this, as do initiatives like “Healthy Seas.” 

The utilization of recycled materials in production as well as a second life cycle for carpets after their use is now a matter of course for OBJECT CARPET: for example, together with UNStudio, OBJECT CARPET is committed in the “Future Perfect” project to breathe new life into old carpets and thus create unique designs. OBJECT CARPET is making a real change in the industry with the first completely circular commercial property carpet, NEOO. After eight years of development work with NIAGA®, OBJECT CARPET presents the mono-material Carpet NEOO, which takes the circular cycle to a new level. 

Numerous design and business awards, such as the widely respected Good Design and red dot Awards, have demonstrated OBJECT CARPET’s outstanding design competence and corporate achievements. For example, OBJECT CARPET was chosen as one of the “top 50 German luxury brands” by Ernst & Young and voted one of the “brands of the century” by Langenscheidt.  

With innovative production techniques and sustainable manufacturing methods, 
OBJECT CARPET is a pioneering enterprise that enables design visions to become reality. Experience OBJECT CARPET’s world of color and materials in any one of the company’s showrooms in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. 

Contact:Yvonne SchumacherYvonne.Schumacher@object-carpet.comTel.: +49 711 3402 191  
Contact for editorial offices:GeSK | Ziegelstr. 29 | 10117 BerlinTel.: +49 (0) 30/217 50 460Fax: +49 (0) 30/217 50 461E-Mail: 


New Stock Range – Whoop from Edel Carpets

This new carpet has a distinct personality with yarns visible from different sides, giving the carpet a classic ton-sur-ton elegance. The perfect choice to create the right atmosphere.

Whoop is strong, soft, shiny and long-lasting and available in fashionable 6 colours.




專業地毯OBJECT CARPET – NEOO 採用 100% 可回收材料生產的地毯

100% circular, 100% clean, 100% polyester: NEOO by OBJECT CARPET

100% circular, 100% clean, 100% polyester: NEOO by OBJECT CARPET

The first infinitely recyclable carpet made of mono material. Designed for endless life.

Neoo 1000

NEOO, the first circular, 100% recyclable loop-pile carpet, is the pioneer of a new generation of carpets. Made from 100% polyester, this high-quality mono-material carpet not only withstands all of a room’s demands but also combines design and environmental protection.


For the first time, OBJECT CARPET is closing the loop in the carpet industry with its mono carpet NEOO. After it is taken back, NEOO is melted down and extruded to produce new polyester fibers of the same initial quality.


NEOO is made of 100% pure polyester then melted down and extruded to produce new fibers. In this way, it can be recycled again and again, and completely. A method that is four to five times more energy efficient than producing new polyester.


NEOO is available as tiles or broadlooms.

For details, please click on the below links.

NEOO – designed for endless life

New stock ranges available

Pebble Stones

The latest premium wool carpet from Australia

Pebble Stones – Introducing this new range, the latest premium wool carpet from Australia with natural insulating and renewable qualities, the chunky textured loop carpet lends itself to creating places of serenity and comfort.

Pebble Stones is a soft and richly textured carpet crafted from 100% pure wool and has been treated to deter insects and features hypoallergenic attributes that reduce the growth of common allergens and improve air quality, making life infinitely happier for asthma and allergy sufferers.


100% solution-dyed nylon, plank tiles

Toffee – 100% solution-dyed nylon, plank tiles. Designed for both commercial and hospitality sectors. The collection’s color palette comprises six natural hues, and various effects can be achieved by either herringbone or ashlar installation methods.

The collection is tested and conforms to flammability standards, and is anti-static and colorfast.

為什麼滿鋪地毯永遠都不會out of date




地毯終於唔係再係咁繁複啦!現時嘅地毯風格比起 70 和 80 年代變得簡單啲。顏色都唔再係奇怪嘅花紋同圖案,而係型仔啲嘅單色同中性色。係房間入面鋪張中性地毯可以創造出一塊空白的畫布來裝飾房間的其餘部分,方便你更好咁裝飾。隨著地毯技術日益進步,今時今日有更多不同大小同設計嘅選擇,令你擁有理想化嘅地毯。地毯更可以減少噪音同調節光線,亦係因為佢嘅柔軟觸感,令我哋感覺更舒適。


滿鋪地毯永遠都不會out of date

近年嘅地毯設計在實現極致中都兼顧咗便利性同可持續性啦!最新嘅科技令到地毯也變得更加環保,因為有啲地毯都都係用回收材料製成的。 呢啲地毯伸可以抵抗污垢和污漬,使它們更易於清潔且使用壽命更長。



A closeup of a vacuum cleaner at a living room

地毯是家居的美麗點綴,為房間增添溫暖和個性。但為了保持地毯的美觀、長壽和家人的健康,定期清潔很重要。 在這裡,我們將提供一些清潔地毯的正確技巧。

Toddler playing in her play room

第 1 步:地毯吸塵

清潔地毯的第一步是徹底吸塵。 使用不同附件清除任何殘留的污垢和碎屑。 吸塵必須兩面都做,還須特別注意邊緣部份。 如果地毯特別臟,您可能需要多次吸塵。

第 2 步:局部清潔污漬


Vacuum cleaning a rug on the floor

第 3 步:清洗地毯


第 4 步:擦乾地毯

洗滌後,正確乾燥地毯很重要。 切勿將地毯置於陽光直射下或使用加熱器或吹風機吹乾。相反,將地毯平放在通風良好的地方,讓它自然風乾。


Cleaning blocks after the playing

第 5 步:專業清潔

即使定期清潔,每 2-3 年對您的地毯進行一次專業清潔也是個好主意。 這將確保地毯得到徹底清潔。專業的清潔提供正確清潔和保養地毯的知識和設備,從而延長其使用壽命。

Isometric husband for hour background with men doing repairs and housework in living room 3d vector illustration


在家清潔地毯似乎令人生畏,但使用正確的技術和工具,這是一個簡單的過程。通過對地毯進行吸塵、局部清潔、洗滌和風乾,您可以讓您的地毯在未來幾年保持美麗,亦可令家人生活得更安全健康。記得每 2-3 年進行一次專業清潔,以保持地毯的使用壽命。 通過適當的呵護和照料,您的地毯將成為您未來許多年的珍愛之物。

New Underlay – Royale 700 from the U.K.

Royale 700, made in the U.K.

Over the years we have gathered customer feedback to provide a durable underlay, we have recently changed our stock range to a brand-new collection called Royale 700, made in the U.K.

Royale 700 has a high density of 509 kg/m3. The special sponge rubber textured flat construction is suitable for stretch-fit installation of carpets and it owns a End Use Classification (BS 5808: 1991 / BS EN 14499 : 2015): HC/U, Heavy Contract Use.


Viva Magenta Pantone 18-1750

每年年終,國際權威指標性色彩研究機構 Pantone 都會發表下一年度的代表色調,藉此反映當今的社會氛圍與狀態。Pantone色彩研究所執行董事 Leatrice Eiseman 說“隨著虛擬世界成為我們日常生活中越來越重要的一部分,我們希望從大自然和真實事物中汲取靈感”。

從 1999 年開始,Pantone 就開啟了「年度代表色」的傳統,運用多種多樣的方式訴說當下的社會氛圍,引領潮流,推動設計,喚起人們的共感,隨後也有許多品牌跟隨,既能代表自己的品味,也融入當代氛圍的步伐,更具時代感。這不僅僅是預測流行趨勢,還涉及到調節社會的溫度,「顏色反映的一個時代,人們被什麼吸引,反映了他們在追求什麼。」也因為如此,每年的 Pantone 年度色發布,都帶動許多行銷玩法,廣泛運用於服裝、文化、藝術、室內設計等領域。

Viva Magenta (Pantone 18-1750)

2023 年的年度代表色是一種微妙的深紅色調,呈現出溫暖與涼爽之間的平衡。 它叫做 Viva Magenta。代表經歷疫情之後非常規時代的新視野來臨,「就像是慶祝新的生命誕生一樣。」

Leatrice Eiseman 說。 “Viva Magenta 源自紅色家族,靈感來自胭脂紅的紅色,胭脂紅是天然染料家族中最珍貴的染料之一,也是世界上已知的最濃烈、最明亮的染料之一。” 針對年度代表色,最大型的合作活動將發生在邁阿密海灘的「巴塞爾藝術博覽會」,該展覽將以「Viva Magenta」為主題,打造一場大型的沉浸式體驗,佔地一萬平方英尺,一共兩層樓,完全採用年度代表色填滿展場空間。



事實上,年度代表色(Color of The Year,COTY)不只Pantone 有推出,還有許多品牌也會根據市場調研、預測、用戶體驗推算,在不同的時間點以不同的合作形式公開自家的年度代表色。 像是高級商用油漆塗料製造商班傑明摩爾(Benjamin Moore)將其 COTY 發佈時間安排在 10 月的紐約時裝周前後,將其品牌與高級時裝、設計相互輝映。2023 年,班傑明摩爾公布的年度代表色是「Raspberry Blush 覆盆子紅」,它略帶粉紅色,有著充滿活力、精神及喜悅的氛圍。

2023 年,班傑明摩爾公布的年度代表色是「Raspberry Blush 覆盆子紅」,它略帶粉紅色,有著充滿活力、精神及喜悅的氛圍。圖片來源:Benjamin Moore

除了可以宣傳品牌的品味之外,COTY 也有助於降低品牌與消費者之間的溝通門檻。也有地毯製造商的 COTY 計畫於 2014 年展開,其創意總監認為,對許多消費者來說,選擇地毯不是一件容易的事,而 COTY 可以給消費者一個方便的切入點。

Yarns Limited 自 1998 年以來為香港和世界各地的客戶生產優雅的定制地毯,更代理各式國際專業品牌的地毯。在過去的二十年裡,我們為各種著名的住宅、酒店、賭場、商店和會所提供專業地毯服務。與時並進,專注專業,Yarns致力為客戶提供最好的地毯、地材產品及服務。





The Sole Distributor of EDEL Carpets BV


We are delighted to announce that Yarns Limited has been appointed as the Sole Distributor of EDEL Carpets BV including all synthetic fiber and wool qualities in Hong Kong, Macau and China.

Based on the success of launching the best-selling stock range of “Vanity” in 2017, we have been expanding our stock program to include other collections such as Vintage, Diamond, Aurelias and Gaia, so as to offer a broader product portfolio to customers.


We are confident that our partnership with EDEL Carpets BV will provide our customers with carpet products in a world class quality as we always do in the last two decades.


High quality flooring products

Over the last 20 years, we have been specialized in supplying carpet products to our customers. It is time to make a change. To add a new dimension to our product portfolio, we are proud to introduce high quality flooring products – woven vinyl tiles, LVT, SPC vinyl flooring as well as wallcoverings from Japan. Please contact our sales team to learn more if you are interested.

Please visit the link for details.

Edel Carpets

Edel Carpets is known for their innovative constructions, outstanding designs, quality and service. Edel Carpets is a modern Dutch carpet producer. Development, production and sales are all done in house. The carpet collection consists of distinctive synthetic and wool carpets for the mid/high segment.

Recently, a new collection called Gallery Bonita is launched. Gallery Bonita offers an exciting soft marble-looking design and is a feast for the eyes. Gallery Antique and Kasuri introduced last year are equally attractive. 

In addition, Aspiration Aurelius and Gaia are launched. Both are brand new in our stylish cut & loop collection. An elegant and easy to the eye all-over pattern.